POEM-BRUT (i & ii)
SJ Fowler

A Face to Remind You
of what your Ancestors
have Done Maybe
Rainbow Paramilitary

Offended by Fictional Depiction

Low Key War on Apathy

SJ Fowler is a poet and artist. He has been commissioned by Tate Modern, BBC Radio 3, The British Council, Tate Britain, Liverpool Biennial and Wellcome Collection. These works are taken from his trilogy of books in the poem-brut tradition, exploring ready writing materials, the composition of handwriting and mark making and the role of illustration and legibility in determining poetic meaning. The three books are to be published in 2017 and are entitled I fear my best work behind me (Stranger Press), New prim (Hesterglock Press) and Aletta Ocean Empire (Blart Books). A sequence of Fowler’s poems appear in Hotel #2.