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Hotel #6

                    Spring, 2020



° Glykeria PATRAMANI, ‘The Hare’
° Imogen CASSELS, Four Poems 
   ‘Two Types of the Same Return’
   ‘Sketch for a’
° Will OLDHAM, Seven Pages
° Diego FONSECA, translated by Ellen JONES,
  ‘Noise : Silence’
° Hao GUANG TSE (謝皓光) 
  ‘This morning I woke up with a quick laugh like the sun’
° Geoffrey MAK‘Edgelords’
° Astrid ALBEN, Five Poems 
  ‘Collateral Damage’
  ‘The First People’
                    —For Marlene Dietrich
  ‘Coping Strategies’

  ‘Words to Say it’
  ‘And God Became a Monkey’
                    —For Hannah Höch
° Nathan DRAGON, ‘Nebraska’
° Sarah Boulton, Three Pages
° Sascha MACHT, translated by Amanda DeMARCO,
   Five Columns
° Hannah REGEL, Four Poems
  ‘Making Sausages’
  ‘Mermaid Outing’
° Andrew Lampert, ‘Twenty-Three & Me’
° Emmanuel IDUMA, ‘Notes on Happiness’
° Lotte LS, ‘Synapses, Between’
° 0x0a, ‘THE TRANSLATION’—Multiple Metamorphoses
  A translation of extant translations of Franz KAFKA
° Hannah WILLIAMS, ‘Nacre’
° Lauren de Sá NAYLOR, 
  ‘The Splendor & Effluence of the Motorway’

            —An excerpt from a work-in-progress
° Cass McCOMBS, Two Poems
  ‘A Public Mural’
  ‘The Truckdriver & Malverde’
° Emmanuelle PAGANO,
  translated by Sophie LEWIS & Jennifer HIGGINS

  ‘The Automatic Tour Guide’
° Lauren ELKIN, ‘Silent B’
° Clemens MEYER, translated by Katy DERBYSHIRE
  ‘The Return of the Argonauts’

   & an epigram from the Wayne KOESTENBAUM archive

Edited by Jon AUMAN,
& Dominic JAECKLE

Designed & Typeset by Niall REYNOLDS

Notes on Contributors
(in order of appearance)

Wayne KOESTENBAUM has published nineteen books of poetry, criticism, and fiction, including Notes on Glaze, The Pink Trance Notebooks, My 1980s & Other Essays, Hotel Theory, Best-Selling Jewish Porn Films, Andy Warhol, Humiliation, Jackie Under My Skin, and The Queen’s Throat (a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist). His newest book of poetry, Camp Marmalade, was published this spring. He has exhibited his paintings in solo shows at White Columns (New York), 356 Mission (Los Angeles), and the University of Kentucky Art Museum.  His first piano/vocal record, Lounge Act, was released by Ugly Duckling Presse Records in 2017; he has given musical performances at The Kitchen, REDCAT, Centre Pompidou, The Walker Art Center, and the Renaissance Society.  He is a Distinguished Professor of English, Comparative Literature, and French at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. The epigram for Hotel #6 is excerpted from KOESTENBAUM’s archive, recently acquired by Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library in 2019 (CT, USA).
Glykeria PATRAMANI is a writer based in Athens, Greece working within the fields of cinema and documentary.

Imogen CASSELS’ poems have appeared in the London Review of Books, Blackbox Manifold, Cumulus, Datableed, Ambit, and on the London Underground.

Will OLDHAM makes songs under the nom de guerre Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy.  Most of his lyrics have been collected recently in book form under the title Songs of Love and Horror. The most Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy record is I Made a Place. He lives in Louisville, KY with his wife and daughter.

Diego FONSECA is the editor and author of numerous books of narrative journalism including Crecer a golpes (Penguin USA), Sam no es mi tío (Alfaguara), and Tiembla (Almadía). His fiction includes the novel La vigilia and the short story collections El azar y los héroes, El último comunista de Miami and South Beach. He teaches journalism at the Gabriel García Márquez Foundation and is a columnist for the New York Times in Spanish.

Ellen JONES is a researcher, editor, and translator from Spanish. She writes about multilingualism and contemporary Latin American literature, including for publications like The Guardian, The Times Literary Supplement and The Irish Times. Her translation of Rodrigo Fuentes’s short story collection Trout, Belly Up is published by Charco Press (2019) and her translation of Bruno Lloret’s novel Nancy is forthcoming from Giramondo Publishing (2020).

Hao GUANG TSE [謝皓光] is a Singaporean poet and editor, assembled with parts from Hong Kong and Malaysia. His first full-length poetry collection, Deeds of Light, was shortlisted for the 2016 Singapore Literature Prize. He is a 2016 fellow of the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program, and the 2018 National Writer-in-Residence at Nanyang Technological University. He has things in Asian American Writers’ Workshop, Sand Journal, AJAR, High Chair, Entropy Third Coast and Prairie Schooner. A new work-in-progress is tentatively titled I Get Buzzed Seeing Your Hand’s Just Left.

Geoffrey MAK is a writer who divides his time between New York and Berlin. His writing has appeared in Artforum, Art in America, Mask, Guernica, and The Los Angeles Review of Books.

Astrid ALBEN is a poet and translator. Her next collection, Plainspeak, was published by prototype in 2019.

Nathan DRAGON has been published in NOON Annual, Fence, and New York Tyrant. Dragon is from (and currently in) Salem, MA working on a book fiction.

Sarah BOULTON is an artist based in Mid-Wales. Her first collection, Continuum, was recently published with Care of Time.

Sascha MACHT was born in Frankfurt (Oder) and studied at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig. He has published prose, poetry, and drama in various anthologies and literary magazines. He has received fellowships from Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, the Literary Colloquium Berlin, the Schloss Wiepersdorf Cultural Foundation, and the German Literature Fund. His first novel, The War in the Garden of the King of the Dead, was published by DuMont in spring 2016. From 2013 to 2017, he was a research associate at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig, investigating the education of writers in the GDR. In 2018, together with Isabelle Lehn and Katja Stopka, he published Learning to Write in Socialism: The Johannes R. Becher Institute for Literature. He lives in Leipzig.

Hannah REGEL is an artist based in London. She holds a BA in Art Practice from Goldsmiths College and a MFA in Sculpture from the Slade School of Fine Art. Her writing has been published in Eros Journal, Two Serious Ladies, Leste Magazine, Montez Press Interjection Calendar, The Literateur, Form IV and The Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology. Her first chapbook of poetry, When I Was Alive, was published in December 2017 by Montez Press. She is also co-editor of the feminist journal SALT.

Andrew LAMPERT’s irrelevance has been commented upon by all who have ever been in a position to judge him for inclusion or advancement. Sizable disinterest in his extensive body of films, videos, photos and performances quadruples each year. Occasional errors in judgment and clerical mistakes have led to his works appearing in numerous international museums, festivals and venues, but the global powers that be have redoubled their efforts to prevent this from ever happening again. He has been allowed to edit books of other people’s writings and art because their work is so much better than his. Hotel, in their infinite pity, accepted Lampert’s overwrought contribution to this issue, which took him a considerable amount of time to write, although no one would ever guess that from reading it.

Emmanuel IDUMA is the author of A Stranger’s Pose, which was longlisted for the 2019 Ondaatje Prize, and The Sound of Things to Come, a novel. His essays on art and photography have appeared, most recently, in The New York Review of Books, Art in America, BOMB, Off Assignment and LitHub. He teaches at the School of Visual Arts, New York.

Lotte LS is a poet living in Great Yarmouth, the furthest easterly outlier of England.

Amanda DeMARCO is a translator living in Berlin.

0x0a is a text collective for digital conceptual literature comprising Gregor Weichbrodt and Hannes Bajohr.

Hannah WILLIAMS is a writer and editor based in London. Her work has appeared in Granta, The Guardian, Artsy, GARAGE and more, and she was named runner-up in Boulevard’s 2019 Short Fiction Contest for New Writers. She is currently working on her first novel and tweets at @hkatewilliams.

Lauren de Sá NAYLOR is an artist, poet, educator and bartender based in Todmorden, West Yorkshire. Her poetic, essay writing & AV practice is discursive and interdisciplinary, meandering between text, image and documentary, coalescing around the idea of thinking-as-writing and negotiation with the psyche. Lauren is concerned with reading and writing in their broadest possible sense, the production of subjectivity and the poetics of relation, an interwoven approach to thinking and the proximity of articulation to the body, the erotic and haptic perception. Lauren has published dream manuscripts widely and reads texts live in audio-visual performances, sometimes in collaboration.

Jen CALLEJA is a writer and literary translator. Her short story collection I’m Afraid That’s All We’ve Got Time For is forthcoming from Prototype. Her translation of Marion Poschmann’s The Pine Islands was shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2019.

Cass McCOMBS is a musician from Northern California, whose latest album is Tip of the Sphere.

Rachel GENN formerly a Neuroscientist, has written two novels: The Cure (2011), and What You Could Have Won (2020). She was Leverhulme Artist-in-Residence (2006), University of Sheffield, creating a quasi-institution called THE NATIONAL FACILITY FOR THE REGULATION OF REGRET, spanning installation art, VR and film (ASFF 2016), presented together at SXSW, 2017. She has written for Granta, 3AM and The Real Story and is currently working on a long essay on immersion in the creative act as well as a collection of non-fictions about fighting and addiction to regret (2019–2020).

Emmanuelle PAGANO was born in Rodez (Aveyron) in 1969. Her novels have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and she has won multiple awards for her writing, including the EU Prize for Literature and most recently the French Ecology Novel Prize. Her first book published in English, Trysting was published by And Other Stories in 2016; her second, Faces on the Tip of my Tongue, was published by Peirene Press in 2019.

Sophie LEWIS is an editor and translator from French and Portuguese. Her recent translations include books by Colette Fellous, Emmanuelle Pagano and Leïla Slimani.

Jennifer HIGGINS is a translator from French and Italian. She has translated several works of fiction including Trysting and Faces on the Tip of my Tongue by Emmanuelle Pagano. Recent projects include A Short Philosophy of Birds by Philippe Dubois and Elise Rousseau, and she is currently translating The Photographer of Auschwitz by Luca Crippo and Maurizio Onnis. Jennifer’s translations have appeared in 3:AM Magazine, Lit Hub, Volupté, Sonofabook Magazine, among others. She is also Assistant Director of the Queen’s College Translation Exchange.

Lauren ELKIN is a Franco-American writer, critic, and translator. Most recently she is the author of Flâneuse: Women Walk the City (Chatto & Windus).

Clemens MEYER was born 1977 in Halle and lives in Leipzig. After high school he jobbed as a watchman, building worker and removal man. He studied creative writing at the German Literary Institute, Leipzig and was granted a scholarship by the Saxon Ministry of Science and Arts in 2002. Bricks and Mortar, his latest novel, was shortlisted for the German Book Prize, awarded the Bremer Literaturpreis 2014, longlisted for the 2017 Man Booker International Prize, and shortlisted for the 2019 Best Translated Book Awards. A collection of short stories, Dark Satellites, will be published by Fitzcarraldo Editions in 2020.

Katy DERBYSHIRE originally from London, has lived in Berlin for over twenty years. She translates contemporary German writers including Inka Parei, Heike Geissler, Olga Grjasnowa, Annett Gröschner and Christa Wolf. Her translation of Clemens Meyer’s Bricks and Mortar was the winner of the 2018 Straelener Übersetzerpreis (Straelen Prize for Translation). She occasionally teaches translation and also co-hosts a monthly translation lab and the bi-monthly Dead Ladies Show.

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Partner to a press called Tenement, Hotel is a publications series for new approaches to fiction, non fiction & poetry & features work from established & emerging talent. Hotel provides the space for experimental reflection on literature’s status as art & cultural mediator. 

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